Genders and Sexualities
Ph.D, Feminist Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara
MA, Feminist Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara
A.B., Critical Social Thought, Mount Holyoke College
Shannon Weber earned her Ph.D in Feminist Studies from UCSB in December 2014. Since defending her dissertation, Shannon has gone on to accept a Visiting Lecturer position at Wellesley College. She has also taught at Tufts University, Brandeis University, and Northeastern University. Her dissertation, Queer Cultures at New England Women's Colleges: Sexual Fields, Erotic Capital, and Gender and Sexual Fluidity, examines the transformative potential of women's colleges for queer futurity while calling into question the intracommunal stratification, policing, and tensions between (in/hyper)visibility common in these spaces, especially as it manifests in the elevation of queer white masculinity. The excellent mentorship she received from Leila Rupp has contributed to her strong publication trajectory, with articles published in Sexualities, Journal of Homosexuality, and forthcoming in Journal of Lesbian Studies. She lives in Boston with her partner, dog, and cat and spends her free time enjoying all the treasures of New England living.
More information on Shannon's research, teaching, and CV can be found at her website, www.shannonweber.net
LGBTQ politics, social movements, and histories; intersectional feminist theories; popular culture and media representations of marginalized groups; feminism and the body; history of science and medicine; critical disability studies; fat studies
“Daring to Marry: Marriage Equality Activism After Proposition 8 as Challenge to the Assimilationist/Radical Binary in Queer Studies." Journal of Homosexuality, forthcoming (vol. 62(8), 2015)
“What’s Wrong With Be[com]ing Queer? Biological Determinism as Discursive Queer Hegemony.” Sexualities. September 2012, vol. 15(5/6): 679-701.
“Teaching Same-Sex Marriage as U.S. History.” In Understanding and Teaching U.S. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender History. Eds Leila J. Rupp and Susan K. Freeman. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2014. 295-308.
“‘Born This Way’: Biology and Sexuality in Lady Gaga’s Pro-LGBT Media.” In Queer Media Images: LGBT Perspectives. Ed. Theresa Carilli. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2013. 111-121.
Textbook Materials:
• Supplemental materials (Instructor’s Manual, student resources) for Feminist Frontiers 9th Edition. Eds Verta Taylor, Nancy Whittier, and Leila J. Rupp. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011.
Please see Shannon's website for full list of publications.
(* = self-created course offering)
Transgender Lives*
Theories of Femininity*
Introduction to Queer Studies
Sexuality and Society
Sociology of the Body*
Sexuality and Queer Studies
Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Sex, Love, & Romance